Dialogue & Convergence

Representation - Evaluation - Analysis

" Strategic support for a European development "

Services List

Permanent representative in BrusselsPermanent Representation takes place via a mandate generally entrusted to a person to act vis-à-vis the European institutions.
This involves making contact, presenting the file and exchanging information. The company retains all of its power.
This Representation also includes:

  • An address located in the immediate vicinity of all the European institutions
  • Reception of collaborators
  • Specific logistics

The Euro councilProfessional organisations, territorial collectivities and companies can all benefit from the following services:

  • Selective and targeted advance information
  • Advice on the feasibility and operational character of the files
  • Lobbying to have their interests taken into account
  • The organisation of meetings and bilateral encounters with the institutional managers responsible for the files being dealt with

Evaluation and development of filesThe first stage for any file is to evaluate it: one must avoid wasting time handling a file whose chances of success are limited.

To evaluate a file, one must:

  • Identify the potentialities of the operator
  • Study the European texts capable o e data
  • Assess the calendar, the competition and potential allies
  • The organisation of meetings and bilateral encounters with the institutional managers responsible for the files being dealt with

The second stage is to develop it. Once the above-described analyses have been performed, one must:

  • Formalise the response
  • Ensure the adequacy of the vocabulary
  • Divide tasks amongst the participants in the project and distribute the budget so as to generate maximum synergy
  • Verify the project’s credibility with the supports obtained

NetworkingInternationalisation has accelerated the multiple developments of the European Union, and so it is indispensable to optimise the definition, implementation and management of transnational approaches. It is essential to interact beyond national borders. Our task is therefore to facilitate such interactions and in so doing create the conditions necessary for a cultural evolution to realise the potentialities of the operators in the field.

Networking includes the following services:

  • Researching and establishing a list of potential partners
  • Creating a panel to respond to the invitation to tender being considered
  • Leading a grou p of potential European partner entities

StudiesDEUC and its team of specialists conduct all types of studies:

  • Economic studies: macroeconomic, microeconomic, statistical
  • Feasibility studies: economic, technico-economic, legal
  • Audit studies
  • Development plans

These can be necessary in order to trigger the development of a need or a targeted service in Europe

Financial partnershipsDEUC provides the technical assistance required by the entities with which it collaborates for putting together and following up financial aid files addressed to the State, the Regions, the General Councils and the EU.
The set of these functions

  • Presupposes a very good knowledge of the field, constant Contact with different types of public, parapublic and private economic operators
  • Makes it possible to evaluate the European imperatives and the implications within the field of the decisions made in Brussels
  • Assumes forecasting: today, risk capital is a real stake for the European Union (innovative financial instruments)
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Located in the heart of the European district in Brussels, just minutes from the European Commission, Council and Parliament,

DEUC is a European affairs bureau at the crossroads of our developmental paths.
